Kaburst, LLC has agreed in terms with RADvertising and Dew Technology Solutions to market its social media delivery engine. These independent marketing organizations will exclusively promote the Kaburst system along with the white label product technology for businesses, non-profits and civic organizations.
Kaburst’s system allows businesses and organizations to share real-time information directly with consumers via text messages and emails to communicate deals, upcoming events, daily specials, and more.
With regional sales offices stretching from New Hampshire to North Carolina, RADvertising and Dew Technology Solutions will employ up to 35 independent sales representatives to educate businesses on how Kaburst can help retain loyal customers while attracting new customers to their businesses.
Kaburst has a unique “franchise” type system where individuals or marketing companies can purchase a specific area or territory to promote their social media delivery tools, as well as other social media consulting services that Kaburst, LLC has partnered with.
For more information on how to become a Kaburst marketing organization please contact davespannaus@kaburst.com

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